Humanitarian actions

Humanitarian actions

mdo  Admin | January 1, 2018

Giving children in difficulty the turning point to escape from hardship, poverty and marginalization is the objective of the CCIISS to contribute to improving living conditions in the territories, with self-financing to support children and families who live in difficult conditions or of poverty and marginalization in the world.

Giving children the opportunity to escape poverty, hardship and marginalization is the objective of the C.C.I.I.S.S., with fundraising to support children and families living in conditions of poverty and marginalization.

In various cities, attempts are being made to offer support to families who are unable to pay their children's school fees, in particular giving mothers the opportunity to return to work and thus contribute to the support of their families.

In a moment of social and economic crisis, the C.C.I.I.S.S. with some supporters he believes it is necessary to invest first of all in children because they represent our future.